East Asia

Japan, Travel Words

Rockin’ the Inaka. (R)

My JET-set fraternity-brother Matt lived for a while in what could perhaps best be described as the outskirts of the fringes of the suburbs of a city (Sendai) you had never heard of until the recent environmental disasters.  The name of Matt’s town, as far as I can remember, was […]

China, Video Blogs

Shout at the Devil! (R)

Devil’s Canyon is a big desolate sea-bed turned desert in the middle of Gansu province, one of the more remote in China.  Being here made me want to buy a camel and a tent and spend days wandering around the rock formations. The style for this video is thanks to […]

Japan, Video Blogs

Sumo in Osaka (R)

Very early in the day’s matches before most the the crowd arrived, I managed to get up close to the action on the stadium floor. Here’s one entire low-level sumo match. Pardon the occasional manic shaking and the salary man that walks in front of the camera.  I was worried […]

Japan, Photo Blogs

Old School Tokyo (R)

Tokyo is not all sparkling and new, though.  Some of it is sparkling and old, as well.  Throughout my short time in the city, I also saw plenty of examples of historic temples and respected traditions that felt at times as if they were straight out of Edo.

Japan, Travel Words

Modern Tokyo (R)

Landing in Tokyo, part of me expected some mash-up of BladeRunner and Fast and the Furious with tricked-out Hondas flashing though hyper-neon streets in some absurd chase with police. Part of Tokyo does indeed play to that image, with crowded shopping streets in Harajuku and electronics markets in Akihabara delivering […]