Tag: Rural Life

Laos, Travel Words

Villages of Luang Nam Tha

In addition to random nature scenes, the area around Luang Nam Tha is also littered with small villages.  Many of these are home to distinct minorities with their own customs, costumes, and cultures.  Many are also relatively poor, living at subsistence level on the rice they grow and animals they […]

Cambodia, Travel Words

Anlong Veng

I left Siem Reap with a good idea of where I wanted to go but a weak knowledge of how exactly to get there.  Armed with only a vague plan and a phone number written on a scrap of paper, I got in a truck to Anlong Veng. I couldn’t […]

Photo Blogs, Tajikistan

Faces of Murghab (R)

Murghab is, in one word, remote. The closest big city is in another country (Osh, Kyrgyzstan). The nearest Tajik town is, at the moment, besieged by the military in response to problems with the nearby Afghan border. The road to town was built by the Soviet Army in the 80’s, […]